Hi, Anhat Singh here

Name: Anhat Singh

Email: anhatsingh2001@gmail.com

Academics: Studying BTech.(CSE), 8th Sem at CET, GND University Amritsar, India

What I have worked on:

About me

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn

Learning is a process that never stops. Being a BTech. Computer Science and Engineering student, I am contantly enthusiatic about new technologies coming in the industry. But not to worry, I have also not forgotten about the old ones.

I meritoriously passed my 10th and 12th standard with 10 CGPA from esteemed schools of my city. I started developing apps and working on projects since 7th grade in my school. Once I began to code properly, I got addicted to the freedom programming gave to me, the only limitation being my imagination (and perhaps system resources :P)

I am always up for the taking, if the right opportunities present themselves to me.


(Projects I have worked on, or am currently working on)

Whatsapp Python Library

Building a library to be used in python, which can interact with Whatsapp Web, send messages, respond to messages and coditional interaction with users.

Link: Coming Soon

Developer Website

Building the FrontEnd of a developer-profile website using Vue.js, REST Architecture, Vuetify and ultimately integrating it as a PWA within Android